The Chronicles of a Fed-Head

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Here, I shall provide some insight on my experiences of being in-charge and running my own e-federation, in other words, being a fed-head. I know I wasn't perfect, but I was damn sure far from the worst fed-head out here. Below, you will find my recollections of the good, bad, and the ugly of my first e-federation, ZXWWF.

I'm sure most people will get a good laugh at the tales I have to tell about my experiences while others will be upset that I'm opening old wounds, but please forgive me as I only want to share my side of some stories of my federations that haven't been told from my perspective without any "he said/she said" input. This is the truth from my mouth and how I saw things from my side of the fence. If you care to share you own rebuttal, feel free to leave a comment on the several chapters of the story.

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